Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bob's Late Night Band!!

Well first of all I would Like to say I miss them so much. It was such a fun and challenging experience I had with them. All of them are so talented.... The leaders of our group are Gordon and Patrick...They are both Vocalist. Then we have Our guitarist, we have two electric guitarist one is Ranjit(daniel), and Bob(brendan) they are both gud. Owh and we have an acoustic guitarist name Joselyn..she is truly a nice person...Ummm Owh and we have bass he is Usop (joseph) he is funny and his accent is funny too... Okay moving on we have two AMAZING is Matthew(kishan) and the other is Brandon(john). our pianist is Christine and accompanied by Johnathan. Then we have Amanda another lead singer, and for backup its Me,My sis(christine), Nicky(nicole) and lastly Sherman!!! I have introduce here are the pictures of our journey together as a Band...I can cry just seeing it...:)

WeLL We love our bread, We love our butter but MOST of all We LOVe Each Other..:)